sábado, 4 de marzo de 2017

Departing Cheltenham

Saturday, 4th March 2017

It has been a very rich experience that I would like to repeat without any doubt. It is a pity not to have enough time to prepare activities to use in my lessons. The idea is to create a wiki, step by step...

viernes, 3 de marzo de 2017

Workshop on CLIL Methodology and Langugage for Secondary Maths and Science with Graham Workman

Friday, 3rd March 2017

All the websites mentioned in the seminar, along with many others not included in the handouts, can be found at           www.grahamworkmansecondary.wikispaces.com

Go to Useful websites where you will find all the links about:
- how to do everything on your computer
- listening
- reading
- vocabulary
-in addition
-useful resources to explore
- create a wiki for each of your classes
- presentation tools

jueves, 2 de marzo de 2017

Workshop on CLIL Methodology and Language for Secondary Maths and Science with Graham Workman

Thursday, 2nd March 2017
Talking about The Bangalere Project. Prabhu (1982)
Aims: today is the time to study about the Scaffolding to support:
1)      Content obligatory language
2)      Content compatible language
 Handouts about scaffolding language and sentence frames specifically in Maths and Science.
3)      Design : following the  “Template of PowerPoint slides to include in TBL ( tasked based learning) lesson”

All the teachers begun to work in groups or individualy, and this is my first work about systems of linear equations.


miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2017

Workshop on CLIL with Graham Workman

Wednesday, 1st March 2017

More handouts to work: Pronuntation, Types of questions:  real question, genuinely, display, initiation, referential question using information gaps…

martes, 28 de febrero de 2017

Workshop on CLIL Methodology with Graham Workman

Tuesday, 28th February 2017

The four following days, we studied with Graham Workman which actions honour his name.
A lot of original tasks, different tasks, and a lot of information on his webpage. We laughed and enjoyed  in his lessons and I would like to practice  some of the tasks I learned as soon as possible.
After a presentation (have a look at its rich in contents webpage), we tried to answer the following questions: Why teach CLIL? , and some keys are:
1)      International language of Science
2)      Live, study and work abroad
3)      Provides useful qualifications
4)      It works…. When it is task-based.
1)      Activities
2)      Vocabulary revision
3)      Design of CLIL material
4)      WEBS, podcasts
5)      Classroom language (Accurate language)

Handouts to work:  Wall dictation, visuals, collocations, minds….

lunes, 27 de febrero de 2017

- Workshop on CLIL Methodology with Dr Diana Hicks

Monday, 27th February

The second week was really intense. Classes began at 09:00 am, at the Isbourne Centre. In this building we could take some coffee or tea and have the packed lunch that our host family prepared for us:  sandwiches, fruit, yogurt, cakes, etc. We didn´t have much time to rest but enough to exchange some words with other European teachers. We finished our lessons about five pm.

We met Diana Hicks,
She is an expert teacher in CLIL methodology and she was explaining  the meaning, the aims, the characteristics and the steps of Learning Integrated Language Content in detail.
Some of my notes during the day are summarized. I recommend you have a look at the links of bibliography and webgraphy
(Links of book)
To start, a brainstorming, the question is:  what would you like to know about CLIL?
1)       How can CLIL help me teach Maths?
2)      One classroom only? Flexible?
3)      How is CLIL transforming learning across EU?
4)      CLIL pedagogy
5)      Mixed: proficiency/ability
6)      “Block teachings”: integrate writing and learning
7)      Students speaking English
During the day she was talking about the answers and others, we told her our experiences in CLIL and we did some activities to understand the process and to see how CLIL can be used in all subjects.

The first activity was a surprise for me, I mean for its results. It was a debate about the questionnaire we had filled about the Rules of L1 (mother tongue) and L2 (second language, English in our case). Surprisingly, we did not have the same idea regarding CLIL.  We were teachers from: Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Holland, Norway and Bulgaria.  

domingo, 26 de febrero de 2017


Sunday, 26th  February 2017
Today we had an Educational visit to South Wales.  It has been a long day !
At 7:45 am all the 2nd week course European teachers met  outside Cheltenham town Hall. Neil introduced us to each other during our way to The Big Pit National Coal Mining Museum of Wales at Blaenavon World Heritage Site https://museum.wales/bigpit/   while he showed us the beautiful countryside and explained some curiosities about the area: in Wales all the advertisements are written in both languages, Welsh and English. Imagine you  could only see this sign “Amgueddfa Lofaol Cymru    (it means National Coal Museum)

Oh my god! What a strange sensation to be at 90 m2   underground.  “It is true that you can  experience the sights, sounds, smells and atmosphere of an authentic coal mine”.  Unfortunately, my English level is not high enough to understand Welsh people, they have a hard accent and it was difficult to follow the explanations during the visit.  But the miner who guided the one-hour tour underground was very patient with us and repeated  all that we required him to repeat  quietly.

Then, we spent two hours walking along  St Fagans Welsh National History Museum, Cardiff. It is an open-air Museum of Welsh life and St Fagans Castle, where you can explore how people in Wales have lived, worked and spent their leisure time. It was raining a lot and I couldn´t enjoy much.  

Then, we had our free afternoon in Cardiff, the capital of Wales. This is the flag of Wales, I really love it.

sábado, 25 de febrero de 2017

Free day

Saturday, 25th   February 2017

Free time for individual research. We went to Oxford. I loved it, It is  Harry Potter city. I felt to have been in this place in other times...

viernes, 24 de febrero de 2017

Balcarras School

Friday  February the 24th
Today we have visited Balcarras School.:
- Welcome at  8 :45  by Neil Baxter,  Deputy Headteacher. While drinking coffee,  he has given us our Programme for the day, and some details of the School .  
-  9 :00 am:  two students accompanied us for a tour of the school and then we returned to the reception. We could take some photos to the building and classrooms. 

- 9.55-10.50 am:  teachers of Maths were collected by the staff to take lessons of Maths KS3-KS5, 18- year -old students. No more than 15 per class. Mechanics lesson, about "particles".
At 10.55 Coffee in staffroom
At 11.10-12.10 We had another lesson , but  this time the subsidiary subject was Physics. Students were studying Stars (Asronomy).
At 12.10 -1.10 We had a meeting with Burke, Headteacher. We discusssed about  English Education system and how Balcarras operates: House system

Each child who joins Balcarras is placed in a House.  The four Houses are Foley, Graveney, Ottewell and Selvey. Nowadays there are 250 children in each one, except in the last one, with 400 students, that they are in the 6th form.  Children with older brothers and/or sisters already at Balcarras normally join the same House. Year 7 tutor groups are taught together with the exception of mathematics and are gradually introduced to Balcarras.

Although each house has its own “personality” certain principles apply to all. It is hoped that each House provides pupils with an education of the highest quality so that they leave Balcarras with the qualifications, skills and personal qualities they need to lead a successful life.

Balcarras: “From strength to strength”
Students in this School are from  11 to 18 years old. It is a coeducational and comprehensive centre. It is known as an Academy School: 11-14  Key Stage 3; 14-16: GCSE; 16-18: A-level.   Staff: 81 teachers and 24 teaching assistants.

The ETHOS: Attendance, Behaviour, Classroom, Enjoyment, Extracurricular and Environment.
At 1.10 : Lunch and reflection with Head of Business/Economics, Head of Mathematics and Head of Science and several teachers from the staff.

We departed at 14:00 am 

jueves, 23 de febrero de 2017

Free day

Thursday, 23rd   February 2017
Free time for individual research.
Today we took a train  and visited Bath and Bristol. We discovered two very nice Catholic Cathedrals and a Protestant Church (in which we have drunk a tea and eaten lunch during a « speech »).
We walked a lot and saw the Jane Austen Museum, the Fashion Museum and the Roman Terms.

It was a long day for our legs and feet.

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017

Dean Close Independent School

Wednesday  22nd February  2017

Today: Observation of lessons in chosen subjects and meetigns with Heads of Departments. We went to DEAN CLOSE School. It’s an independence school (that means private in France/Spain)……In the morning, they have welcomed us in a tea-room and each of us went to several Maths lesson. The pupils were been prepared for the London Examinations IGCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education).
We interacted with students while they were solving exercises related to the application of displacement, velocity and acceleration.
We helped some of them and chated with the teacher who was very friendly.

After that, a teacher accompanied us to a Spanish language lesson or French language lesson, where we could see that the methodology used for teaching languages in England is similar than the ones in our countries. 

martes, 21 de febrero de 2017

Damian O'Donovan

Tuesday,   21 February 2017
English Language Training with Damian O’Donovan (a really Irish name).
The day was really enjoyable while learning with the teacher. Here you are some notes to take into account:

Time flies    To freshen up    incognito     So far so good      accent   minimal pairs: pronunciation      British or American: have you got or do you have     acronym: posh         in/ at     questions     open mouth and laugh       phonetic    shoe size     what /where/ who/ why/ when    
 a spire   a  steeple   a dome  tongue twisters
encourage students asking questions      remember    after lunch      to write a report: the situation   what was the weather like there?   Which   
un exams/ lessons    monuments    how many money did you pay for it?     The landscape had an impressive aspect for the mountains                         AFTER BREAK : FEEDBACK                          so/ such a   
After he left (the : day) school(period) he went to (the: particular) sea ( general)      get on/off the train    plurals: people and children    some information               
  He stole my thunder  by the sea(area)   on the sea/cost(very close)   do some sports/didn´t any sports    pick off/through/up/over    I will pick you up at 5pm      
I picked over the remains of the Christmas turkey  pick off: to kill/ to shoot    
I picked  through my papers (look for, examine, search)   
 Bottom up/top down (political social theory)     to top up  to tip down   bottoms up  into/ onto      ale    trip(short, business)/journey(longway)/tour(visit specific places, museums)    pneumatic drill   
                   fortnight: fourteen nights-15days
      I have to practice it to improve my English

Now I am really conscious of the great importance of pronunciation.  
After the lesson, we went for a walk to the centre town of Cheltenham. 

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017

Chosen Hill School

Monday, 20th   February 2017
After having breakfast with my partner Sandrine, Stuart brought us to his School where we met Neil, the organiser, who picked us up and accompanied to Chosen Hill Secondary School “. We stayed there from 9:00 am to 15:00 pm, in different lessons of Algebra, Geometry and Statistics. There, we met many teachers who teach Maths.

I could see that the way of teaching Maths in English is not so different from teaching it in Spanish, though there are some variations in the curricula because of the education system.
I observed Maths classes all day (5 courses) it was very interesting to see the different ways of teaching.
The students were  from 11 to 16 years old and were in the year  from 7 to 11 (level). At  school there are 4 or 5 steps in a level for the students who have difficulties when learning the knowledge  in Maths, and in English. There are about 18 to 26 students in each class, and in several of them there are an assistant teacher who sits down next to those students who have special needs.  Students have got a workbook and a text book that they can take home or not (they can leave it in the Maths classroom). What I liked the best is that they have Subject Classrooms. 

After finishing our day visit, at 3:00 pm, we went to Gloucester by bus in 15minutes.  We discovered the Cathedral where the movie Harry Potter was shot, it’s an Anglican church.   It’s very nice, I loved it.

To know something about Anglicanism  visit the link